Collage of man showing many different expressions

It’s easy to recognize (for most people) when you are feeling angry or tired or excited or nervous. What’s harder is to recognize the root cause of your feelings.

In this lesson, we'll explore the connection between what happens around us and how we feel, helping you to recognize and manage your emotions effectively.

Understanding the Connection

Events and circumstances significantly impact our feelings and emotions. An event can be anything from a joyful family gathering to a stressful situation at work. These occurrences can trigger a wide range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to anger and sadness.

Examples of Events and Emotional Responses

  1. Positive Events:

    • Example: A family vacation.

    • Emotional Response: Feelings of joy, relaxation, and closeness.

  2. Negative Events:

    • Example: An argument with a loved one.

    • Emotional Response: Feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness.

  3. Neutral Events:

    • Example: A routine day at work.

    • Emotional Response: Feelings of calm, boredom, or contentment, depending on your perception.

The Role of Perception

It's not just the event itself that influences your emotions, but how you perceive it. Two people can experience the same event and have completely different emotional responses based on their perspectives, past experiences, and personal beliefs.

  • Example: Getting feedback from a supervisor.

    • Perception 1: Viewed as constructive criticism, leading to feelings of motivation and determination.

    • Perception 2: Viewed as a personal attack, leading to feelings of defensiveness and resentment.

Understanding how events influence your feelings and emotions is a vital step toward better communication and emotional health. By recognizing the link between events and your emotional responses, you can manage your feelings more effectively and foster a more respectful and understanding environment within your family.

Remember, it's not just about what happens, but how you perceive and react to it. With practice and awareness, you can navigate your emotions and communicate with greater empathy and respect.

Collage of daily events
Family Discussion icon

Family discussion: Reacting to a recent event

Think about a time in the recent past when you had a strong reaction to something one of your family members said to you. Describe what happened and what you felt when they said it.

Note: Listen to each other. You are NOT ALLOWED to argue or explain your actions. This happened in the past. The idea is to practice listening to each other.