Communicate with Respect and Understanding course card

Communicate with Respect and Understanding - For Families

Who needs this course?

This course is meant for families with older teenagers or young adults still living at home.

Why take this course?

The purpose of this course is to explore how each member of your family feels about the current living situation and the future of the young adult.

It will help you open communication between family members, explore misconceptions, and gain insight into what each member is feeling.

You will create a communication plan to share updates and intentions while keeping the peace.

What’s so great about this program?

This program is a combination of an online course and a coaching program.

It teaches important concepts and then guides your family to put those concepts into practice. This way, you’ll experience real change as you progress through the program. You won’t just learn how to help your family; you’ll see results immediately.

This program is the culmination of a decade of research, learning from experts, and a ton of trial and error.

I documented what worked and what didn’t work at each step (I believe in keeping a journal) of our progress. We worked really hard to figure this out and I want to save you that time and effort so you can benefit from our mistakes without making them yourself.

Designed by: Michelle Arseneault - Life Coach and Educator

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.
  • "I was kind of doubtful at first, but this course has totally changed how we interact. The exercises were easy to follow, and now, we’re not just a family—we’re a team."

    David R.

  • "I didn’t realize how much 'I' statements could change things until I tried them. Now, our family talks with a lot more respect, and it’s made everything feel so much better at home."

    Robert K.