Creativity: Taking control for a fulfilled life

Person drawing a comic

Let’s talk about a vital yet often overlooked part of a happy life—creativity. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, a musician, or someone who enjoys a bit of DIY, embracing your creative side can significantly boost your well-being. Creativity isn’t just for the “artsy” types; it’s for everyone. I truly believe humans need to create in some way to feel a sense of fulfillment.


Why taking charge matters

As I mentioned before, being creative isn’t just for artists. It’s a fantastic outlet for stress and a boost for your brain. Without creativity, life can become monotonous and dull. Engaging in creative activities can enhance problem-solving skills, improve mental health, and increase overall happiness.

Creativity can manifest in many forms, from painting and writing to cooking and problem-solving. It’s about finding activities that stimulate your mind and allow you to express yourself. Imagine channeling your thoughts and feelings into something beautiful or inventive, that didn’t exist before you brought it into being—that’s the magic of creativity.


How you can start taking charge of your creative life today

Step 1: Pick up a hobby

  • Explanation: Finding a creative hobby you enjoy can provide a great outlet for expression and relaxation.

  • How-to: Explore different creative activities like painting, writing, knitting, or playing an instrument. Try out a few to see what resonates with you, and then dedicate regular time to practice and enjoy your new hobby.

Step 2: Set aside time each week for creative pursuits

  • Explanation: Consistency is key to making creativity a part of your life.

  • How-to: Schedule creative time in your calendar, just like you would for any important activity. Whether it’s an hour a day or a few hours each week, make sure you have dedicated time to engage in your creative pursuits.

Step 3: Don’t be afraid to try new things

  • Explanation: Experimenting with new creative activities can keep things exciting and help you discover new passions.

  • How-to: Step out of your comfort zone and try different forms of creativity. Attend workshops, take online classes, or simply experiment at home with new techniques and ideas. Remember, it’s about the process, not perfection.

Photographer taking a picture outdoors

Anyone else really curious about what he’s taking a picture of?

Common challenges that let you know you need to take charge

Challenge 1: Feeling uninspired

Solution: Surround yourself with inspiration—visit art galleries, read books, listen to music, or spend time in nature. Sometimes, a change of scenery or perspective is all you need to spark creativity.

Challenge 2: Lack of confidence

Solution: Embrace a growth mindset and remember that everyone starts somewhere. Allow yourself to create without judgment and enjoy the process. Share your work with supportive friends or join a community of like-minded creatives for encouragement.


Benefits of taking control

Short-term benefits:

  • Immediate stress relief and improved mood

  • Increased sense of accomplishment and self-expression

  • Enhanced problem-solving and innovative thinking

Long-term benefits:

  • Improved mental health and emotional well-being

  • Continued personal growth and discovery of new talents

  • Greater overall satisfaction and fulfillment in life


Embracing creativity is a powerful way to enhance your life and live more intentionally. By picking up a hobby, setting aside regular creative time, and experimenting with new activities, you can unlock your creative potential and enjoy the many benefits it brings. Remember, creativity is about the journey, not the destination. So, have fun with it, explore, and let your imagination run wild.

Additional Reading:


Which key life area do you want to take charge of today:

30-Day Challenge: Creativity Boost
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Education and learning: Taking control for a fulfilled life


Charity: Taking control for a fulfilled life