Man trying to decide between 5 doors

Ever stand in the cereal aisle, overwhelmed by choices? Or maybe you’ve spent hours debating whether to take that new job offer, only to end up doing nothing? (We’ve all been there.) Decision-making is the secret sauce to living intentionally. Here’s why it’s so important—and how to get better at it.

Child choosing from two snacks

I mean… why not eat both?


Why decision-making is crucial

At its core, intentional living is about steering your life where you want it to go. Strong decision-making skills help you create a life that aligns with your values and goals. On the flip side, if you struggle to make decisions, you might feel stuck, anxious, and uncertain. Imagine being on a road trip without a map—you’d probably end up lost or going in circles.


The consequences of poor decision-making

Let's take a look at how indecision can sneak into different areas of life:



Picture this: you’re dating someone who can’t decide if they want to commit. (Frustrating, right?) Their indecision can create uncertainty and insecurity, making it hard to build a solid foundation. Similarly, if you’re unsure whether to stay or go, you might find yourself stuck in a relationship that’s no longer fulfilling. (Cue the endless questioning.)



Choosing a major, accepting a job offer, or deciding to switch careers—these can all be daunting decisions. If you’re paralyzed by indecision, you could miss out on exciting opportunities or find yourself stuck in a job you don’t love simply because you couldn’t choose.


Personal life

Even everyday decisions, like starting a new hobby, making a big purchase, or planning a vacation, can be paralyzing. When indecision takes over, life can feel stagnant, and you might start to feel like you’re drifting instead of living with purpose. (And no one likes that “meh” feeling.)


Why do we find it so hard to decide?

Several factors make decision-making tough:

  • Fear of making the wrong choice: Ever worry you’ll make a decision you’ll regret? This fear can lead to analysis paralysis, where you’re so worried about choosing wrong that you don’t choose at all. (I have a friend who takes weeks to buy a new coffee maker—true story.)

  • Overwhelm: Too many options can leave you feeling stressed and confused. (Thanks, cereal aisle.)

  • Lack of confidence: If you don’t trust your judgment, decision-making can feel impossible. You might find yourself constantly seeking validation from others.

  • Perfectionism: The desire to make the “perfect” decision can be paralyzing. Perfectionists often get stuck because they want every outcome to be flawless. (Spoiler alert: no decision is perfect.)

Person wearing frames in a frame store with both thumbs up

Look how happy she is! (pun intended)

The power of confident decision-making

Here’s the good news: confident decision-making has serious perks.

  • Clarity and direction: When you make decisions confidently, you create a clear path forward. You know what you want and take steps to get there. (No more wandering in circles!)

  • Reduced stress: Deciding and moving on clears out that mental clutter and reduces stress.

  • Improved relationships: Clear decisions lead to better communication and stronger relationships. When you’re decisive, others feel more secure and can trust your intentions.

  • Career advancement: Confident career choices can lead to new opportunities and growth. Employers value decisiveness and leadership. (Plus, you’ll feel more in control of your career path.)


Tips for overcoming decision paralysis

If decision paralysis sounds all too familiar, here’s how to break free:

  • Set a deadline: Give yourself a reasonable timeframe to make a decision. This prevents endless deliberation. (Think of it as a decision-making deadline.)

  • Limit your options: Narrow down your choices to a manageable number. Too many options can be overwhelming. If that’s hard, ask someone you trust to help you narrow it down.

  • Trust your gut: Sometimes your instincts are spot on. Don’t discount your initial feelings about a choice. (Your gut knows more than you think!)

  • Accept imperfection: No decision is perfect. Aim for a good decision, not a perfect one. Mistakes? They’re just opportunities to learn.

  • Seek input wisely: While advice can be helpful, too many opinions can cloud your judgment. Choose a few trusted advisors and stick with them.

  • Practice making small decisions frequently: Start with small, everyday choices to build your decision-making muscles. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become. (Think of it like a workout for your brain.)


Own your decisions, own your life

Decisions shape our lives, and being good at making them is essential for intentional living. By understanding what makes decision-making tough and actively working to overcome it, you can become more confident and decisive. This confidence will spread to every part of your life—your relationships, your career, and your personal fulfillment.

So, the next time you find yourself in the cereal aisle (or faced with any tough decision), remember: the power to choose is the power to live intentionally. Make your choice, enjoy your cereal, and embrace the clarity that comes with decisive living.


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