Person studying in a lot of books

Peek behind the curtain of learning…

Nobody taught me how to learn.

Think about that for a minute.

As kids, we're given homework to do in the evenings. And more times than not, part of that homework is to read a chapter from a textbook. If your teacher knew what they were about, they'd also assign a few questions for you to answer about the reading.

In fact, good textbooks included questions for you to answer at the end of each chapter.

But nobody explained why we should answer those questions.

As children, we're guided through each learning experience by people who understand how most people learn. They've been taught the science and techniques to guide their students step-by-step through the process of learning.

And that's great. It's what teachers are supposed to do.

But what happens when students graduate high school and move on to higher education like college or university?

All of a sudden, they're expected to guide themselves through the learning process and nobody has ever shown them what's behind the curtain.

I'm going to show you what's 'behind the curtain' and teach you a method you can use to actually learn while you study.

It's called the SQ3R Method, and it’s pretty cool.

Teacher with elementary students