Make every day count: Why you should live each day intentionally

Person walking with purpose

Do you ever feel like you’re on autopilot, just going through the motions? (Cue the zombie walk to the coffee machine.) Living intentionally is all about taking back the reins of your life and making choices that reflect what truly matters. It’s like upgrading from “meh” to “heck yeah!” with every decision you make.

If you’re not running your life, who is?

What does it mean to live intentionally?

Living intentionally is like being the director of your own blockbuster movie. You call the shots, making decisions that align with your values, beliefs, and goals. Whether it’s deciding how you spend your time (Netflix binge vs. a productive hobby) or who you spend it with (toxic friends need not apply), it’s all about being mindful of your choices.

Here are a few examples of living intentionally:

  • How you spend your time: Instead of scrolling through social media, focus on activities that light you up—like finally learning to play that guitar you bought three years ago.

  • Which relationships you invest in: Think of it as spring cleaning for your social circle—out with the drama, in with the people who make you feel like a rockstar.

  • What you consume: Be mindful of the media you take in. (Pro tip: If it makes you want to throw your phone, it’s probably not helping.)

  • Your health and self-care: Prioritize your well-being—whether that’s a bubble bath, a workout, or just saying “no” to things that drain you.

  • How you contribute to society: Channel your inner superhero and find ways to make a positive impact. Capes are optional.


Why is being intentional important?

Living intentionally can turn your life from a chaotic mess into a well-orchestrated symphony. Here’s why:

  • It reduces stress: When you focus on what really matters, you can stop sweating the small stuff. (Goodbye, pointless to-do list items!)

  • It provides resilience: With intention guiding your way, you’ll bounce back from life’s curveballs like a pro. (Plot twist? No problem.)

  • It enhances focus: Aligning your actions with your values helps you avoid distractions—like that shiny new series on Netflix. (Okay, maybe just one episode.)

  • It makes you happier: Living your truth? Major happiness booster.

Person looking at a calendar on their computer

How much do you want to bet that the reason she’s smiling is because she has no meetings today?

How to live every day with intention

Ready to start living intentionally? Here are some simple habits to work into your daily routine:


Ask yourself "Why?"

Before diving into a task, ask why you’re doing it. If the answer is “because I have to,” maybe it’s time to rethink that task.


Practice kindness

Acts of kindness are like tiny deposits in the bank of happiness. (Plus, it’s just nice.)


Be a good listener

Engage fully in conversations. Pretending to listen while thinking about dinner? Not intentional. (And probably not fooling anyone.)


Create a daily routine

Structure your day with purpose, but don’t forget to leave room for some fun. (Dance break, anyone?)


Make time for self-care and reflection

Whether it’s meditation or just a quiet cup of tea, give yourself space to recharge. (Because you’re worth it.)


Make intentional purchases

Don’t let that “SALE!” sign trick you into buying things you don’t need. (Your closet will thank you.)


Work towards your goals

Set specific goals and celebrate each step forward—yes, even the tiny ones.


Stay self-aware

Regularly check in with yourself. If you’re feeling off-track, adjust accordingly. (Life’s too short to be on the wrong path.)

Person checking the ingredients on a package

I read ALL the labels. It drives my family nuts.

Make intentional purchases

Every purchase is a chance to put your money where your values are. (Literally.) Be mindful of your spending by researching products, supporting ethical businesses, and focusing on quality over quantity. Bonus points for shopping local—because supporting your community is always in style.

Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.
— - Anna Lappé
Person consuming social media on a tablet

I always wondered where people keep their stylus when they aren’t using it.

Watch what you watch: Be conscious of media

Your media diet matters as much as your food diet (maybe even more). Choose content that lifts you up, informs you, or inspires you. If it’s making you feel stressed or negative, hit that unfollow button. (It’s oddly satisfying.)

By making intentional choices each day, you’re not just getting by—you’re thriving. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t want that?

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